Tuesday, March 24, 2020

x Intercept Definition

x Intercept Definition The point on a graph where the curve of a function crosses the x axis is known as its x intercept. The value of y coordinate is zero at the point where the graph intersects the x axis. To find the x intercept of an equation, we put the value of y as zero in the equation and solve the equation to find the corresponding value of x. Example 1: Find the x intercept for the following equation of a line: 3x 5y = 12. Solution: In order to find the x intercept we need to put the value of y = 0 in the equation and solve the equation to find the corresponding value of x. 3x 5 (0) = 12 3x 0 = 12 3x = 12 x = 4 Therefore the x intercept for the above equation of line is (4, 0) Example 2: Find the x intercept for the function y = x2 x 6 Solution: For finding the x intercept of the above function, the value of y is taken as 0. As a result we get an equation with terms having variables x and x2 on one side and zero on the other side. We need to solve this equation to get the corresponding value of x. x2 x 6 = 0 x2 3x + 2x 6 = 0 x( x- 3) + 2(x-3) = 0 (x+2) (x-3) = 0 x +2 = 0 or x 3 = 0 x = - 2 x = 3 Thus the x intercepts for the above function are (-2, 0) and (3, 0).

Friday, March 6, 2020

Geishas at a Glance

Geishas at a Glance The Japanese Artistry of the Geisha ChaptersWhat Is a Geisha?The Birth of Geishas in Medieval JapanThe Golden Age of the Geisha in the 19th and 20th CenturiesGeishas in Contemporary JapanJapanese culture is among the most fascinating in the world for Europeans and it’s hardly surprising as to why. With samurai, martial arts, manga, etc., there are plenty of ways to learn about traditional and modern Japanese life, rituals, and customs.The Japanese government has also done a lot to ensure that the West is familiar with Japanese culture through the “Cool Japan” campaign. Among all the folklore and tradition in Japan, geishas have fascinated the western world and these young ladies’ professions remain a mystery to many Europeans.In this article, we’re going to look at exactly what geishas are, the discipline, the clothing, and the famed tea ceremony. Far too often, geishas are thought of as Japanese prostitutes, so we’re here to lift the veil on the myths surrounding this traditional Japanese vocation. NanaJap anese Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YukoJapanese Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EllyJapanese Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MomokoJapanese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MelanieJapanese Teacher £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamesJapanese Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PippaJapanese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarikoJapanese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Is a Geisha?Most Westerners think of a geisha as a pretty Japanese woman in white makeup, wearing a kimono, and having sexual encounters with Japanese men. In fact, a geisha is often much more than that and the latter point is often wrong! Geishas are expected to be familiar with various types of traditional Japanese entertainment. (Source: albertobelenguer)The term “geisha” literally means “person of art” or “artist”. While it’s true that geishas often wear a wig and extravagant kimonos, it’s because their job is to entertain male clients through a variety of different art forms including:Playing the shamisen, a three-stringed instrument.Types of traditional Japanese danceCalligraphyKabuki theatrePlaying the Tsutsumi, a small drum placed on the shoulder or between the legs.The Tea Ceremony (Chanoyu).Floral arrangements (Ikebana).In short, the Japanese geisha is an entertainer. You can find geishas at banquets where they move around in their yukata to the music. While the prostitution aspect is exaggerated, some geishas do have sexual relations with their clients, though these relations are not obligatory.Geishas live in an Okiya (which literally means a house for geishas) and only young women and girls . On the inside, there are managers, women known as “Okasan” or “mothers” surrounded by 5 or 6 geishas, future geishas, servents, and an official prostitute (until 1957).The Birth of Geishas in Medieval JapanBeing a geisha was an official profession in Japan in the 18th century but its origins go way back. In fact, you need to go as far back as the 13th century to really understand what geishas are. However, you could go as far back as the 8th century and look at the dancers for the emperor Kammu. These women danced along to Buddhist prayers and soon started having sexual relations with their clients, the nobility and the warriors in the court at Kyoto.However, the real history of geishas to Gion, Kyoto’s traditional quarter. It wasn’t just women who entertained the lords; the taikomochi, masters of the tea ceremony, as well as dancers and artists. They also wore white makeup (oshiroi), which at the time was just for men.Bit by bit, women replaced men in this role and by the end of the 17th century (the Tokugawa period), leading to the terms geisha and geiko (“women of the arts”). The Japanese government quickly set up rules for authorised sexual acts. Thus, geishas were not allowed to offer sexual services, only prostitutes were.Geishas became increasingly popular in tea rooms and ryokan (traditional hostels), creating an industry between entertainment and pleasure. In fact, just because prostitution was illegal for geishas, this didn’t mean that the virginity of some geishas was sold at a high price.The artistic aspect of being a geisha was celebrated all over Japan.“We don't become geisha because we want our lives to be happy; we become geisha because we have no choice.” - Memoirs of a GeishaGeishas were under strict rules, like having to live in a particular neighbourhood, called a hanamachi or kagai. While these neighbourhoods were initially frequented by both geishas and prostitutes (yujos), they quickly became exclusive those in the traditional clothing and makeup.If you'd like to learn more about Japanese culture, check out our article on Japanese weapons.The Golden Age of the Geisha in the 19th and 20th CenturiesThe golden age of geishas was from the 19th century until the start of the Second World War. The role and popularity of the geisha changed drastically during the 20th century. (Source: patrik671)There were thousands of these living dolls from Kanazawa to Asakusa. The Meiji government promoted the profession and each tea room or house was regularly frequented by samurai that were fans of the geishas.Thus, the industry became hugely profitable, so much so that prestigious guests were often in attendance and a geisha could earn the equivalent of thousands of pounds for her Okiya.The geishas, during this period of prosperity, were considered as fashionable purveyors of Japanese traditions as well as being at the forefront of fashion through their hairstyles (often in buns) and their outfits, which often consisted of a hakama or a Japanese style tunic.By the start of the 20th century, the geishas were inspired by the western world as they discovered it. However, due to the opposition from many traditional geishas, this style didn’t last.The golden age of geishas ended with the start of the Second World War. In fact, in 1944, the Japanese government closed the geisha neighbourhoods in favour of serving the war effort by making them work in factories. The next year, after the end of the war, the neighbourhoods reopened.This is the time when a new type of geisha came about; the onsen geisha, women free to look for work themselves in the areas near the Japanese hot springs (onsen). They were closer to prostitutes than traditional geishas, looking for work from American soldiers.In 1957, prostitution in Japan was made illegal, so the Japanese people started distinguishing between geishas and prostitution. Furthermore, young girls had to be in education until they were 16 (and 18 in Tokyo). Thus, the number of geishas decreased as there were fewer ways to get into it.Find out more about Japanese culture and sumo wrestling.Geishas in Contemporary JapanGeishas still exist in Japan but in far fewer numbers than in the past. In 1965, the Kyoto dento gigei shinko za idan or the “Kyoto Foundation for the Development of Traditional Arts and Music” only had 65 apprentices. Ten years later, it had dropped to 28. Nowadays, geishas are more a symbol of Japanese culture and history. (Source: joiito)By the 1990s, the number of geishas was back up to 60 in Kyoto. In fact, being a geisha isn’t as popular because it’s just not as lucrative as it once was. Furthermore, young girls in Japan have more choices than they did in the past.  Furthermore, a genuine geisha kimono can cost around £5,000, making it not very accessible.However, there has been a recent increase in interest for geishas with over 100 apprentices in Kyoto in 2008. The information available about being a geisha has played an important role in how to become one.Similarly, being a geisha has changed a lot during the 21st century. The rituals are still there but their meaning has changed. For example, the mizuage ritual, which meant a geisha had lost her virginity, is now a ceremony that judges a maiko wishing to become a geisha, allowing her to change her collar from red to white.Similarly, while the haircuts are the same, geisha s can now wear wigs. In fact, this type of hairstyle pulled on a geisha’s hair, meaning that they would end their careers almost bald.It’s easy to understand why they changed.Today, a lot of young Japanese girls dress up as geishas. If you head to Harajuku in Tokyo, you’ll probably run into geisha cosplayers. Of course, if you want to see a real geisha, you have to go to Kyoto.There are around 200 geishas practising the art and tradition in Japan and keeping the cultural heritage of Japan alive.Now you should know a little more about geishas, the history, rituals, and their profession. If you want to learn more about Japan, we recommend reading our other articles on Japan or getting a Japanese private tutor!There are three distinct types of private tutorial on offer for Japanese students: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials. Each type is different in terms of learning styles and cost, so what may be right for one student may not be right for another.F ace-to-face tutorials involve just a single student and tutor and will include a bespoke programme or course that's being taught to the student. However, you will be getting a tailored service which is very cost-effective!Online tutorials also involve one student with a tutor but the two aren't physically in the same place. Thanks to the internet, you can be taught Japanese online via webcam. With fewer travel costs and the ability to schedule more tutorials each week, the tutor doesn't need to charge as much for their tutorials.Group tutorials are more like the classes you would've had in school with one teacher and multiple students. With each student footing the bill, the cost per student per hour tends to be less than the other two types of tutorial.Don't forget that a lot of tutors on Superprof offer the first hour of tuition for free, too!

How to Pick The Perfect Biology Tutors for you

How to Pick The Perfect Biology Tutors for you How To Choose The Right Biology Tutor ChaptersCheck On Qualifications And CredentialsRead Testimonials And Feedback From Other StudentsBear In Mind Location And AvailabilityMeet Them FirstHiring a tutor is not necessary for pupils struggling with their Biology studies; you don’t have to be failing in the subject to benefit from some extra help. Nor do you need to know what you want to do in the future (academically or professionally), as getting the best possible start in your education will only contribute to opening up more opportunities for you.Even if you aren't set on a career in the sciences, there are many reasons to love Biology.Success can mean different things to different people, but having the best start in life in terms of your education can open up many doors for the future. Photo credit: José Morcillo Valenciano via Visualhunt.comTutors are a very worthwhile investment as they are able to offer you one-on-one teaching assistance, which means benefiting from teaching techniques that are better suited to your learning needs and the pace at which you work. Plus, a tutor can really help to build your confidence in the subject.So, even if you feel that you are not a strong biologist, a good tutor can help you to see that you can in fact succeed in the subject. You might even be surprised at how effective the extra sessions are and how much more you enjoy the subject than before. They will be able to exemplify how, by breaking the challenging topics down into smaller and easier chunks, you can begin to understand the complicated concepts of Biology.To gain as much as you can from your tutor, you need to make sure that you choose the perfect tutor for you. While that is easy enough to say, how do you know who is the best person to choose? And what if you hire a tutor and then come to realise that the relationship just isn’t working out? Here are a few tips to help you to pick the right tutor.See where you can take A level biology courses. MahimaBiology Teacher 5.00 (10) £30/h1st less on free!Discover all our tutors AndyBiology Teacher 5.00 (2) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlishaBiology Teacher 5.00 (10) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SaifBiology Teacher 5.00 (9) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankBiology Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HeavenliBiology Teacher £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SiobhanBiology Teacher £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MackenzieBiology Teacher 5.00 (2) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCheck On Qualifications And CredentialsOne of the main things to consider is your prospective tutor’s educational background. For instance, if you know or find a tutor who specialises in Chemistry, they may not have the precise skills and knowledge required to successfully tutor you to a really good grade in Biology.That said, many tutors specialise in multiple related fields so don’t be hasty in ruling someone out before you've dis covered their interests. Someone with a Masters degree in Chemistry may well have studied combined sciences at Bachelor level and thus be perfectly able to tutor you in the field of Biology.Whst's important is knowing that your tutor has themselves taken the exam that you are currently studying for, and is therefore fully aware of the level of knowledge required to pass the exam and how to reach those higher grades (i.e. if you are enrolled on an A Level Biology course, you ideally want your tutor to be educated to at least A Level or equivalent in Biology).In addition, it is very useful for the tutor to be familiar with your particular syllabus, whether this be as a result of their past teaching experience, through having taught numerous other candidates on the same course, or thanks to their own children recently having completed the same modules. Tutors are able to pass on knowledge but they can also give you tips and tricks on how to maximise your score in exams!Finally, you sho uld always check that your tutor is genuine. The  best method for doing so is to choose someone who has been highly recommended by peers, parents or teachers at your school or, alternatively, to select someone from a professional agency. Tutors found via tutoring agencies will have undergone checks to ensure that they are as qualified as they state they are but also to be sure that they don't have a criminal record which prevents them from working with children under the age of 18.Read Testimonials And Feedback From Other StudentsWhile hiring a tutor from an agency means that they are suitably qualified on paper for the role, how do you know if they are actually any good at their job?References are a very good way of discovering who are the most influential and talented tutors available for your chosen subject. Ideally, you want someone who is passionate about Biology as it will make their teaching so much more effective.Most experienced tutors, whether they work through an agency o r independently, will have taught enough pupils to be able to provide some feedback on their tutoring service, including a great track record when it comes to their past pupils' grades. Seeing those high scores will often be proof enough of their ability as a tutor!If you found your tutor by word of mouth, be sure to ask questions to the person who referred them and find out if they have a website or profile you can look at online before booking in to see them.If, however, you happen to come across what appears to be the perfect tutor all by yourself on the Internet, then take into account any testimonials and don’t be afraid to call them or even request to meet with them before you enter any financial agreements.Discover this A level biology online course on Superprof.Searching for a tutor online doesn't mean you have to take a chance on a stranger. Photo via VisualHuntIt is a good idea to meet or interview your chosen candidate, especially if you have no mutual connections, to m ake sure that they are real, in the first instance (it is always good to be certain!), as well as genuine, and that they are the right  fit for you and your educational needs.Bear In Mind Location And AvailabilityRemember that, to keep the momentum going, you should ideally be having at least a two-hour session once a week (or perhaps just an hour if you are under 14 and not studying towards a mainstream qualification). If your preferred tutor can only fit in one or two short classes in a month, then you may have to consider looking for someone who can spare more time to accommodate your needs.With tutoring being a relatively short-term service, you should be seeking maximum impact to ensure long-term gain.It may seem obvious but when you start your search for a tutor, particularly when searching online, be sure to filter your search to professionals working in your area.In some cases, the best tutors might be located a bit further out than you’d like, but you will need to weigh u p the pros and cons of a long-distance tutor.Ask yourself these questions, for example: Are they willing to travel to you or will you need to find a means of transportation to meet closer to them? If they will be doing the travelling, do they have enough time to dedicate to your learning needs on top of that? If using petrol and mileage to reach you regularly, will they charge you for these extras? And, would they agree to tutor you via Skype or using other technology?Will your tutor come to you or will you need to travel to them? Photo via Visual huntIn an ideal situation, your tutor will live or work close by so that you can fit in regular catch up sessions to keep the momentum of learning up, while also giving you the opportunity to schedule more classes in the run up to your exams.Meet Them FirstFinally, as briefly touched upon above, it is really important to make sure you have a rapport with your tutor. Nothing can be worse (for you and the tutor in question!) than dreading yo ur next appointment and hating every minute of your time together.This is why, in some ways, a personal recommendation is one of the best ways to discover a tutor. If they have done a great job with someone that you know, and you have heard nothing but praise about their methods, then the chances are that you too will profit from and even enjoy their tutoring service.However, as not everyone is lucky enough to know somebody with this level of skill in Biology, many people turn to the Internet to find a local Science tutor.This, however, does not mean that you have to take a chance on a biology tutor that you have never met before, as you always have the opportunity to meet with a tutor before committing to hiring them.Most tutors will be used to meeting with pupils and their parents, and are usually equally keen to meet face to face so that they can gain a mutual understanding of what they are needed for and what level you are currently working at. That way, they can be better equip ped to confirm how regular your meet ups need to be.So, when hiring a tutor for the very first tine, try to organise a meeting with the tutor in person, accompanied by your parent or guardian, to get a feel for their teaching methods and how they might be able to motivate you.Meetings such as these can have a positive impact on your attitude towards tuition and can cement the relationship between tutor and pupil from the offset, giving you confidence in your ability to improve and making you look forward to those extra lessons.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Starting an English Conversation

Starting an English Conversation English Conversation classes are one of the best ways to improve your English. This can sometimes be a daunting task. Today we are going to show you some easy ways to have conversations, so you can speak to anyone, anywhere. Before you become the conversation initiating expert, lets look at something you should not do when trying to learn a language:Starting an English ConversationAs you can see, these guys could do with practicing some English. How do you begin a conversation in English? Well, the best way is often to simply ask a question. Here are some examples to get the conversation going:Do you know what time it is?Is this seat taken?/ Do you mind if I sit here?What time is this place open until?What is your name?As you can see, most of these questions are a little direct. Do you know how we could make them more polite? Write your comments below on how to make these questions sound more friendly.Compliment in EnglishInstead of making the above questions sound nicer, you can als o simply comment on another person. For example, you could say something friendly about their appearance or a possession they have, and follow this with a question. Lets look at these examples:That is a really nice hat. Can I ask where you got it?Thats a really cool phone! Is it easy to use?Look at these images. Can you think of a way to begin a conversation? First try to compliment the person/their possession, and then ask a question. Wed love to hear your  ideas, so make sure to write them in the comments section! This is a great way to practice your English conversation skills.2.Comment on surroundings in English ConversationAnother way to start a conversation is to simply comment on what is around you. For example, if you are at a party and you want to start talking to the person next to you, you could say, Hi, this is a great party isnt it? As you can see, this is another question to invite the other person to have a conversation. It doesnt need to be a question every time to s tart a chat. Take a  look at this next sentence:I love this fish! Its so tasty.As you can see here, a simple statement can invite the other person to give you their opinion/ feeling/ interest, which can then lead to a conversation. Easy, right? As you look at these next images, write a way to begin an English conversation.2.  Now, lets try to  add a question to these comments in order to invite the other person to engage in conversation. Use the previous example above:  I love this fish! Its so tasty. How could we add a question to this? Well, we could ask Do you like fish? What is your favorite seafood? Are you a seafood lover? There are many possibilities. Try to think of a question to add to your statements above.Likes and dislikes in English ConversationWe have begun a conversation with all of these comments. The next step is to have a more interesting, in-depth conversation. By doing this, your vocabulary will improve whilst allowing you to really show your personality-the best way to make friends. Well  begin with likes and dislikes.To ask questions about someones likes or dislikes, we can use words such as like, dislike, dont like, prefer and enjoy. Look at these examples below:Do you prefer  going on vacation to the beach or to the mountains?Do you enjoy speaking English?Are there any sports that you dislike?Now, to make your English even more advanced, we can add adverbs to these sentences. Adverbs are words that can modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. We commonly use adverbs such as quite, really, much and mostly, which often go before your like/dislike word:Do you really  enjoy speaking English?Are there any sports that you mostly  dislike?Habits in English ConversationAnother way to engage someone in conversation is to discuss habits. Habits are things  that you do regularly. We often use the present tense to talk about habits. Lets look at the sentences below:I occasionally go hiking.Typically, I wake up around 8am.Normally, I go to that re staurant for breakfast on Sunday mornings.So, how can we start talking about habits in a conversation? Thats right-we can ask questions! As you can see above, Ive added some adverbs to my questions (occasionally, typically, always), so we can ask questions using adverbs to find out how often someone does something. For example, How often do you go hiking? Can you think of questions for the last two sentences above?Changing topics in English ConversationSometimes a conversation can start to fade, and maybe the other person is beginning to lose interest. This means that it is time to change the topic. Here are some phrases we can use to switch things around:That reminds me.Example: .. I didnt like that restaurant either. That reminds me, there is a big game on TV tonightOh! Did you hear about/ that.Example: .the weather is always bad here. Oh! Did you hear the news about ?Speaking of (topic), I found out that.Example: . I agree that Brad Pitt is a great actor. Speaking of movies, I fo und out that.Can you give us any examples of you changing topics when someone is becoming bored/ uninterested? Write your comments below so we can see your switching skills!Closing the conversationSo, weve taught you lots of tricks and tips to start an English conversation and how to keep a conversation going. However, sometimes you might run out of time, the conversation might be really boring, or maybe you just want to talk to as many people as possible. For one of these reasons, youll need to stop the conversation. Here are  some ways to do that:“Feel free to call me if you want to hang out. Here, I’ll give you my number.”“Well, if you ever want to chat again, I’m usually here on Mondays“It was really nice meeting you.”“I had a great time talking with you. Hope to see you again soon.”Its always a good idea to be as nice as possible when ending the conversation. The other person will feel much more appreciated if you end with phrases like these.So that wraps it u p for today. We hope  you will go out and start having  conversations to improve your English.To continue your development, sign up here for a free trial class with a native English speaker, and practice your newfound skills today! LOI English offers great English conversation classes focused on the communicative approach.

Advanced Vocabulary Booster #2

Advanced Vocabulary Booster #2 ? Previous 12 words On this page, you will find another dozen randomly chosen, low-frequency, high-impact vocabulary words that you can integrate into your speaking and writing. If you are preparing for the IELTS or the TOEFL exam, using these words correctly will give the examiners a good impression of the size and sophistication of your active vocabulary. Scroll to the bottom of the page to download a PDF of these words arranged onto cards. Print them out, cut them up, and play a guessing game with friends and family. See below for instructions. philogynist /fill-LOJ-in-ist/ Noun A lover of women uxorious /uk-SO-ree-us/ Adjective Excessively devoted to one’s wife in a submissive way eloquent /ELL-oh-kwent/ Adjective Having power to speak vividly and appropriatelyStirring or persuasive philomath /fill-LO-math/ Noun A lover of learning; specifically, a devotee of mathematics and science nubile /NOO-by-ull/ Adjective Of females: suitable for marriageOf marrying age meretricious /Meh-ruh-TRISH-us/ Adjective Showily attractiveOf the character of a prostitute lecher /LECH-ur/ Noun A lewd manA man addicted to lewdness lewd /L(Y)OOD/ Adjective Indecent, lustfulObscene misogynist /miss-SOJ-in-ist/ Noun A hater of women steatopygic /STEE-ah-tuh-PID-jick/ Adjective Having large buttocks misandrist /miss-AND-rist/ Noun A hater of men philandrist /fill-AND-rist/ Noun A lover of men Download and play the card game Download and print the cards and the card backs on a double-sided sheet of paper. Cut the cards along the lines and place them in a pile facedown. In groups of 3 or 4, take turns selecting a card from the top of the pile, reading the definitions. Player One takes a card from the pile and reads the definition and part of speech. The other players try to guess the word first. The first player to guess correctly gets the card, placing it faceup in front of him or her. The player to the left takes the next turn. If no one can guess the word from its definition, the player whose turn it is reads the answer and returns the card to the bottom of the pile, and selects another card from the top of the pile. The player with the most cards (and therefore the best vocabulary) at the end of the game is the winner. Advanced-vocabulary-card-gameDownload More words? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Please follow and like us:

6 Steps to Enroll in Community College - Irvine College Tutor

6 Steps to Enroll in Community College - Irvine College Tutor Tips from an Irvine College Consultant: 6 Steps to Enroll in Community College Tips from an Irvine College Consultant: 6 Steps to Enroll in Community College California has an excellent community college system where students can get an AA/AS (associates) degree, an educational or professional certificate or transfer to a four-year university to earn a bachelors degree. Many students will opt for the California community college system for any number of reasons. It offers high-quality professors and instructors, more affordable fees and tuition, and several campuses throughout the state. Many students dont know how to enroll in a community college, and it may prevent them from getting started on time. Students who will be choosing this path are encouraged to follow these tips to get signed up for fall term. 1. Enroll early Community College has continued to be a popular option for college freshmen for years. This means that spaces fill up fast, and many students get shut out if they sign up too late. In California, any student with a high school diploma will have the opportunity to attend a community college; however if they miss the deadline they will have to wait another semester or even a year. Enrollment doesn’t mean simply waiting in line to fill out a card so one can sign up for classes; rather its a multi-step process. Students are encouraged to visit the community college website of their choice under the prospective students tab and make sure they meet each deadline (READ: 5 things to do before you go away to college). . 2. Determine your desired workload At a community college students are not required to take a specific workload of classes. Students who work full or part time may only take a couple of classes each term while some students will take as many as five classes in an attempt to graduate or transfer on time or early. Most full time students will take four classes per term, however, its important for students to look at how many hours they will be working as well as any specific issues they may have so they can sign up for the desired number of classes. 3. Make an appointment with an academic or career counselor Probably the most important thing that the majority of community college students fail to do is make an appointment with an academic or career counselor ASAP. These career counselors are in high demand, and most of them have a months long waiting list. Students who dont make an appointment early on will have to choose their first semester classes unaided. This can lead students to take classes they didnt really need or take courses that only count for the university system they dont wish to attend. These are both great ways to spend more money and graduate late. Make that first appointment today! 4. Take any necessary matriculation exams Because California community colleges don’t require a specific admittance package, they require new students to take matriculation exams. These are exams in math and English to determine a students current skill level. If the student passes the matriculation exams, they can go straight into math and English courses that transfer to a four-year university. If they don’t pass these exams they will need to take a prerequisite course. Students who will be applying to a certificate or professional program are encouraged to investigate any exams needed for their specific program. Students who don’t take these exams on time will have to wait until the next semester or year thus delaying their transfer (READ: Orange County College Tutor: The Modern College Experience: One Size Doesnt Fit All). 5. Sign up for required prerequisites Students who need to take prerequisites (usually math, English, foreign language, or study skills) will need to sign up for these classes before taking transfer level courses. New students are encouraged to sign up for these classes as soon as they can so they can move on to courses that transfer to a four year university. 6. Familiarize yourself with your chosen campus In California, students are not required to attend the community college in the city they live in. Students who want to live independently or have a feeling of something new can attend any number of colleges within the CC system. However, it’s important that students familiarize themselves with the campus they have chosen. This is especially true for students who have moved up or down the state to a new city. Some community college campuses are just as big as a small university and can feel overwhelming the first time a student steps on campus. New students are encouraged to take a tour or visit the campus over the summer so theyre not overwhelmed the first day of fall term. Dont go it alone! Our experienced private Irvine college consultants are here to help. Call us today for details. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at pr@tutornerds.com for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Find an Online Spanish Tutor

Find an Online Spanish Tutor Meet our new Online  Tutor Hector O. He specializes in  Spanish, project management, Microsoft Project. Hector is a Civil Engineer. He has  worked in the construction field for 5 years. During  all this time Hector has been  using Microsoft Project in most of his  projects. His  experience with teaching started when his  co-workers started to ask Hector “How to……” simple questions.  Hector would like to help students and professionals who are either struggling with this software or just looking to get the most of it. Hector is also a Spanish tutor. Hi is very patient when it comes to helping his students.  He can help you set up a combination of learning resources to help you move from beginning Spanish to fluency. Whatever your personal Spanish learning goals and needs are, know that our tutors  are always here for you. We believe in a balance of affordability and quality customized to your individual learning needs.

Insurance for Tutors

Insurance for Tutors Over the last few months we've received some enquiries from tutors regarding liability insurance and where they can source it. This struck us as an interesting question, so we've done a little homework and found an insurance provider who specialises in just that field. Alan Boswell Group already offer cover to members of the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers so seem like a natural choice for us to provide a link to for the benefit of our customers. Because this is insurance there is a legal bit for you to read which says quite rightly, that we are not properly qualified to advise on the product and that those enquiries should be directed to Alan Boswell Group. To be clear, insurance is not mandatory for tutors and certainly is not a requirement for advertising your tuition services with us. However, if it is something you have been considering, you can read more details of this particular insurance scheme by following this link. P.S. Whilst you are there, you may notice our resources section which currently recommends a few textbooks and lists some revision material from reputable educational publishers. The revision guides can be downloaded immediately and cover popular subjects such as Maths GCSE or Entrance exam papers. But, we'd like to know what else you want to see in the resources section - if you have suggestions, indeed if you produce resources of your own, please get in touch to discuss what we could do together.